Several local landlords in the Coastal Housing Network have agreed to reduce the monthly Market Rent on new leases for a number of their rental units for Coastal Housing member employees.

Landlord Participants:
- Arrive Los Carneros I & II
- Cortona Point
- Hollister Village
- Mathilda Apartments
- The Towbes Group
- Wolfe & Associates
Eligibility requirements:
- Employment for a Coastal Housing Partnership member company at move-in time
- Not currently renting a unit at a participating property
- Able to meet all customary tenant qualification requirements for the property
Program Policies:
- The number of units at each property that are available for this program may be limited
- Check with the landlord representative to determine availability
- Rental units classified as “affordable” or “senior” are not eligible for the program
- Participants in the program are entitled to one rental discount per unit
- Lease term must be at least one year
- If a program tenant is no longer employed by a Coastal Housing Partnership member company, the employee remains eligible for the rental discount until the end of the current lease term
Save on Moving Services
If you are seeking the services of a professional mover, a local moving company – Movegreen – provides savings to employees of Coastal Housing Partnership member employers.
Coastal Housing Partnership Employee Benefit from Movegreen:
10% reduction in fee for moving labor and supplies
Mention Coastal Housing Partnership upon booking your move
Contact the Coastal Housing Partnership office to register for rental benefits and to receive a Letter of Authorization to verify that you are employed by a Coastal Housing member company. Be sure to present the Letter of Authorization to the participating landlord prior to leasing a unit.